How to Remove Encryption from Your Samsung Galaxy Android Phone

Need Helps to Remove Android Samsung Galaxy Phone Encryption

Hello, friends! Why you need to remove Samsung Galaxy android phone encryption function? It is really troublesome to be asked for entering a password or pin every time when you boot up your android Samsung phone and use it? You just unfortunately forget Android smart phone password after you enable its encryption function there? Or Samsung Galaxy mobile phone just stops working somehow and phone needs to be formatted, but, the running encryption function does not allow you to format this phone without correct password? OK! No worry! In such case, you do have two methods to remove the encryption function completely off from your mobile phone.

Two Methods to Disable Encryption from Samsung Android Phone

In these days, many Samsung android phones are produced with encryption function which allows customers like you to easily enable encryption function on their Samsung cell phone. However, sometimes, after using it for a short or long time, people are also possibly wondering to disable this function for some reasons. If you are also one of these ones, do not feel depressing or worried. Here are two common methods for you to decrypt your android phone:

Method1. Stop android Samsung phone encryption function

How do you start the android phone encryption function? Or have you still recalled well how you do have enabled the phone encryption function there? If you do, merely go follow the similar steps and also disable it there as below:
Step1. Start your Samsung Galaxy phone and open Setting interface on its main screen.
Step2. Pick out the Security option listed on the Setting interface.
Step3. Click Decrypt Phone option there.
Step4. Follow phone guidance to end the encryption function there.
Step5. Restart your Android phone.
Please Note: No matter what happens, always act carefully to choose no wrong option there.

Method2. Decrypt Android Phone with Factory Reset

Honestly, if the first method is too complicated for you or you do have problems in finishing the entire setting process successfully, you also can try to factory reset your Android phone to take chances. Why? After your android phone has been set back to its factory state, the encryption function will also be removed there. Go do a factory reset on your mobile phone like this:

Step1. Also open your Samsung phone and click Setting icon.
Step2. Find and open Privacy option there.
Step3. Open Factory Reset interface and follow its guidance there.
Step4. Turn your phone off and restart it to have a check.
Please Note: If your Factory reset option of your phone is listed elsewhere, go check its instruction and go find it.

Read More Tips before You Start to Decrypt Your Android Phone

1).Be Sure your Samsung Android phone is at least 80% charged in power.
In case of any unwanted Samsung phone problems, the phone decrypting process is not suggested to be interrupted by sudden power loss or power surge, etc. Hence, always fully charge your phone or make sure your phone is at least 80% charged in power.

2).Be sure your Android phone photos, videos and files are backed up well in advance.
In daily use, people are always suggested to make phone data backups well before any phone format, delete or the like change. And this time, you are also supposed to save data backups well in advance. Merely extract everything stored on the phone internal memory to external storage devices well and also save copies of important data stored on the phone SD card, CF card or Micro SD card well to else storage devices or locations.

3).Different branded mobile phones may differ in disabling the encryption function.
In these days, many android phones with different brands, like Blackberry phone, Sony Smart phone and more, may have different settings when you need to remove the phone encryption. You’d better choose the method according to your own conditions. For example, when the android phone offers no encryption setting option, go straightly factory reset it to go on.

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